• Roosvenster
  • Noorderkerk
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  • Roosvenster


The Noorderkerk is a Christian community in The Hague. Although we are a Dutch speaking community, English speakers are welcome to join our services and other gatherings. Your attendance can give you a chance to experience the sphere of our church and community and provide an opportunity to be exposed to the Dutch language in a peaceful setting.
Mensen rond de Noorderkerk

Mensen rond de Noorderkerk

zijn er voor kerkdiensten op

zijn er voor kerkdiensten op

Woensdag KinderkookCafé

Woensdag KinderkookCafé

kom eens binnen

kom eens binnen

Het Woord

Het Woord

de taal voor vandaag
Noorderkerk gift toiletgroep

Noorderkerk gift toiletgroep

Clothing promotion Noorderkerk June 7 Result 88 boxes. Thanks!!!

Clothing promotion Noorderkerk June 7 Result 88 boxes. Thanks!!!

A movement of hope
For a world in need!

We offer practical help to people on the run and to people in emergency situations
in various places within and outside Europe.
In Greece, in the Balkans, in Ukraine and other places.
In collaboration with the Christian Refugee Relief Foundation aid transports

Collection of clothing and toiletries
From the Noorderkerk Schuytstraat 11:
Friday 2024 June 7 from 7 pm to 9 pm
Saturday, June 8 from 10 am to 4 pm
If possible, please put the gifted clothes in stackable (banana type) boxes.
- All sorts of clothes (except size XXL)
- Hygiene products: diapers, sanitary pads, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, razor blades, baby wipes and combs.
- Other items: sleeping bags, pitchers, large bath towels, new underwear, new socks, paracetamol and Sudocrem.

A financial contribution is very welcome!
Contributions can be transferred via IDEAL or direct to the Diaconie Noorderkerk via IBAN: NL65RABO 03 737 471 60 stating: Clothing campaign Noorderkerk

For more information mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A monument to be seen !!

A monument to be seen !!

1906 2016
The Noorderkerk more than 110 years with surprising details.
A monument still used every week.
Listen to the Proper organ (1907) on this Open Monuments day AND National Organ day.
You are invited to visit the Noorderkerk!
Saterday September 8, 2018 from 10:00 – 17:00 hr.


  • Proper Orgel

    Pneumatisch orgel uit 1907

  • Alpha Cursus

    Maak ook kennis met het geloof.

  • Geschiedenis

    Over de geschiedenis van de Noorderkerk.

  • Hanneke Allewijn
    Ik ben per 1 maart 2024 gestart in de Noorderkerken en heb daar veel zin in.